If I Weren'T Afraid
If I weren't afraid I'd have unwrapped
the barricade I tightly twined
around my poor heart to protect it.
Please don't blame me, it is as fragile...
as glass, so I guard it unfailingly
I'd have shown you all the bleeding scars on my soul
I'd have revealed the depth of my love for you,
but my insecurities betrayed me,
and now you've deserted me.
Oh, if only I told you then!
I regret not muddling through
the fleeting chasm of apprehension.
You see, the trouble with me is...
I'm unsure of myself sometimes;
plagued with lingering self-doubt.
If I weren't afraid I'd have courageously
cracked my shell of vulnerability; revealing
my true essence to you, but it's much too late now.
I can't help but wonder what might have been.
If only I could turn back time!
If I Weren't Afraid Poetry Contest (Winner: 1st Place)
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier
Date written and submitted: 09/13/2019