If My Tongue Were a Bird
If my tongue were a bird it would be white and pure.
It would sail to the end of the heavens bringing joy to those near.
It would creep up upon danger and warn others the risk.
Cautioning mankind that a fire is spotted in the distance.
If my tongue were a bird I would set it free
To speak love, joy, and peace, and harmony.
To shower the world with Christ’s grace and truth
Grasping every opportunity to move others toward his tender loving care.
And finally, if my tongue were a bird
I would send it on a mission
All across the globe with the Creator’s permission.
Professing hope to the broken-hearted, the lost, and the poor
Encouraging each of them to pick up their crosses and soar
Towards the heart of the Messiah who is calling all of mankind
To live a life surrendered and holy while there is still time.
Gwendolen Song