If There Was No Tomorrow
If today was all that I was given,
I would ask you, Love,
By looking deep into your eyes
And by blushing as deeply
As do flowers at the strike of noon,
To give me a little bit of your time!
I would tell you,
Of why and how
I know that the union of you and I
Is desired by the higher powers!
I would tell you,
Of the God that you are
And of the cause that you are meant to
I would tell you
Of how I came to know of it all
And how much I believe in it all!
I would tell you,
Of everything,
To clear misunderstandings,
To unload my heart,
To appease my suffering
To calm my unease!
I would tell you,
Of how you fell on this Earth,
For me,
And of the reason why,
We have to hold each other's hands tightly
If we want to be together,
Forever, there in the haven of Eternity!
I would tell you,
Of how much in love with you I am
And have been,
Even before the skies whispered to me
That you are the one
I have been waiting for
Since I birthed!
I would tell you, Love,
I would confess,
If today was all that I was given
To live,
I would confess,
Hoping that you break not my heart
Into tiny shards,
That you would uproot it, rather,
And transplant it,
Into yours,
So that fuelled with your life beats,
I would just grow, thrive, bloom, and
Bear seeds,
As it has been willed by those powers
Ruling over us all!
If there were to be no tomorrow on this Earth,
I would expect you
To believe in me,
To believe in the madness that ties me to you
As only such
Would allow us
To be forgiven for whatever it was
That caused us both
To be fallen in a world
Which keeps giving hope
By allowing new dawns to rise
On meaningless tomorrows!