If Words Could Ever Explain
All from the beginning
Almost a year of pains
All the early sickness
Everything from sleepless night
To kicks in the stomach
From nights of torture
To nappy changing
All the cuddling
The joy of fist words to first steps
Could words ever explain
My gratitude.
All you gave me
Unconditional love you gave
Your undying love to date
Through thick and thin by my side
All the support and courage you gave
But words could never explain
What you really mean
House could never be a home without you
Family could never be complete without you
You’re a role model
You’re heroine
You’re everything
In my eyes nothing compares to you
In my eyes your love and care is endless
Because you’re the best
Keep on mother As the saying goes
'Mmangwana o swara thipa ka bogaleng'
‘Mother grasps a knife by the blade.’