Love Poem: If You Have Courage Enough
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Written by: Arjun Jangid

If You Have Courage Enough

I was sitting in my
     small cottage with
     a cot and a chair
    On name of furniture.
   The little window was
    my amazing friend
    Because it gave me
    Chance to peep through.

   The next window panes
   Always welcomes eyes
   A girl Motee(fat) was forcing
   mirror to declare herself princess.
  A coat of talcum powder
  followed by sun cream lotion,
  all artificial things to fool girls
  market produced for beauty.

   Nice fragrance to add ghee in fire
   From left to right, feet to head
  examined herself but not satisfied
   Once I dare to tell her truth hard.

   Beauty lies in our self not
   in things that used by you
   Wrestler brothers bad memories
   Recalled ,got on first they met.
   If you have courage enough
   to tell her once Motee 
   got rewards fractures on body 
   Then why not dare my buddy.