If You Saw Me Now
If you saw me now If I saw you now
What would your eyes see My eyes would see
Am I the same My one in ten billion
The person I used to be The woman made just for me
If you saw me now If I saw you now
am I still the one My eyes would well with tears
or did you purge me Still the love of my life
Are you done Put away all your fears
If you saw me now If I saw you now
Could I still tell with just a look It would be written all over my face
How much you loved me The ferocity of my love is still there
That's all it took No one could ever take your place
If you saw me now If I saw you now
Would you still ache for my touch No matter how many years its been
Would your soul still scream Still the most beautiful woman
I love you so much I have ever seen
If you saw me now If I saw you now
Is your love still as strong Relief to pain and strife
Is it me you want I would quietly tell you
Should have been us all along Your'e still the love of my life
When we meet again
Have we said all that needs to be said
Will our love still be there
Or will it be dead