If You Want Equality Read About Pioneer Women
The more I read about pioneer women in particular,
The more I see from afar,
About how high they set the bar,
For those who find them bazaar,
While driving their car.
For most of these daring women young and old,
About whom few stories are told,
Yet we need their stories to unfold,
Even from a broken mold,
For the modern generation to behold,
As their unflinching dedication to the prize they wanted to hold,
Is something we should not withhold.
There was purpose in every step they took,
And for no free ride did they look,
As passion and Love of the work they wanted to book,
Was what drove them to do more than just cook.
Yet throughout the whole ordeal,
To secure for themselves a square deal,
They never from the bottom of the deck sought to deal,
And competing with men was not a natural feel,
As passion and love for the work was their only feel,
Never did they envisage a world that can only seal,
A fifty fifty deal,
That gives those without passion and love for what is real,
A way forward that may not make them feel,
That they are are working for anything more than their next meal.
It is my hope that the more we learn about pioneer women in particular,
The more we will be asking each woman in particular,
In what direction they see themselves going far,
And the only thing they should be told,
Is that opportunities abound when passion and love take hold,
And regardless of which work they behold,
That fits their mold,
They will be welcomed into the fold,
For fitting square pegs into round holes will only put equality on hold,
Fifty fifty deals were never meant to stay to become old,
As it is on equal opportunity that we should be sold,
With passion and love of the work what we want to behold,
If we want an economy that is bold,
So we can all grow old,
Knowing that pioneer women in particular,
Taught us how to go far,
With passion and Love in hearts that are fair.