If You Were Here (For Just a Moment)
If you were here (for just a moment)
Dedicated to Chris Pinto, Mark Oliver, and most recently - Sean Finnegan..
If you were here
For just a moment
Sharing it with me..
I would not waste the time
In Gossip.
Only in sincerity.
I would tell you
Of the anger
I felt about your death.
And how it taught me
To take advantage
Of what life is left.
I would share with you
The feelings
I've held deep within.
And that I cherish
Every moment
We spent as friends.
I'd ask you
How you're doing.
And ask what it's like beyond.
And wish you all the happiness
Until it came my time
And I'd see you again.
If you were here
For just a moment..
Maybe I would not
Say a thing...
For I know as I write this
That you know every word
And everything..
And that you haven't spent
Just one moment-
But many .. with me...
written 2/5/84
(c) 1984