Igniting Her Passion
She sleeps alone in a four poster bed
Under silken sheets of the finest thread.
To dream he’ll be there for her, waiting
To know his love for her is still not abating.
To give him again her total surrender
As was before, joyously to remember.
In a meadow on a scented bed of wild flowers
Too float as to heaven, for hours and hours.
She dreams of this new love; miraculously found.
A love her heart tells her must never rebound.
To recall the joy of his exploring caress
Igniting her passion, that must never be less.
Touching a breast, past voluptuous hips
Each seeking the others devouring lips.
Playing his skill on the keys of her soul.
Lost in a passion now out of control
To elicit her cries 'til his manliness spent.
Embraced as forever, love’s purpose as meant.