I'll Cry No More For You
Seems long ago - a distant time, at first when I saw you
My heart did leap within my chest; was love to spring anew?
I should have known, I couldn't see, enthralled I was with you
The guard that was upon my heart had lifted and withdrew
When from the start our passion flowed - so intimate were we
We'll stand a test of time and stay as close as two can be
Long walks beneath the twilight skies and joyous times we shared
We spoke of secrets buried deep and still our passion flared
Betrayal! sudden and complete - a knife has pierced my heart!
Your other "lover" on the phone?!? You Cheater!! It's time to part!!
Oh ache, oh heartache go away; sweet sleep, please come to me
These tears, these rolling tears must stop - I need to be set free!
How sad it is when love runs cold; Loves' flames die down and wane
The mind is filled with memories; the heart is wracked with pain
Too long I've felt this emptiness in finding you untrue
And though I'm filled with sadness now - I'll cry no more for you