I'Ll Follow Him - 2
There is a love that is like no other
Love so alive it colors the life
In light, in fire, in the music of smiles
It is wise, beautiful and warm
Filled with such wonder, like the Son
Who knows that we are His gifts
From a Father who is pure love
There is hope that is vibrant and strong
Hope that is untainted by worry or strife
It is like laughter, lingering in delight
It fills the heart with kindness, inspiring
Splendor beyond dreams, loveliness
That the Lord brings with His grace
There is faith that is genuine, authentic
Faith that sings of wisdom and understanding
It fills the mind with insight into the soul
Knows the meaning of mercy, blessing and prayer
It baptizes the soul in joy that always knows
He is alive, a light, a fire blazing in the heart
Who knows that His faith rages out of control
There is the One who makes a way for us
Where no way has been known,
On the path that leads to life with Him
In a heavenly home…
Listen to the heart who reveals Jesus to the soul
There you will find a love that only God can bestow