I'Ll Not Give Up On You
I'll not give up on you
I'll not give up on you
Sometimes I will show off
Sometimes I will hide it
I'll not give up on you
I will stay with you
Through thick and thin
Through hard times and happy ones
I will hold you back always
You bent You crawl
You break You mend
I will race with your heartbeats
At times you fail
At times you gain
You are beautiful,
With or without maquillage
You are baguette,
Inbred precious priceless and panjandrum
You are mine,
Wholly owing to the breathes and the life
As the Universe whirls
The fire warms and the ice burns
Let the waves carve sculptures on sand
So do lava traces an alley
And the Earth merry-go-rounds
'Whatever it takes, no matter my love';
'I'll will never give up on you'!