I'Ll Remember You
I'll remember your aroma
Your signature scent
The one that had "Daddy" written all over it.
You'd rock me to sleep with it,
You'd sing "White Christmas" to me with it.
It calmed me,
Like a lullaby when I'd cry
And it soothed my stings and scraps
From those annoying bugs and reckless bikes.
I grew up with your scent,
never realizing how I'd taken it for granted.
Now, it's only what I have to remember you by,
A solemn scent, now running only through my mind
Never again will I have that part of you
Or any part of you.
At times I must endure dreams
Of only dulled colors of your scent in my sleep
But I soon wake to find
That you, your scent, your being
Are gone away, mixed with the odors of this world,
And the aromas of others
never again to be pin-pointed on anyone else,
as it was on you,
so soft, so serene.
But only in my mind will any of it exist
And only in my sleep will I remember it again.