I'Ll Teach Your Heart and Mind
I'll teach your heart and mind to listen;
to love; to rejoice; to praise; to give humbly;
to pray to follow me, the Anointed. To fear
my Father and only Him.
To stand proud for me when you feel like falling down.
I'll teach your heart and mind to grow every minute filling them with
the Holy Spirit.
To release my positive to all the negative.
I'll teach your heart and mind to connect;
to transfer going through Me to my Merciful Father.
Thus converting to two from faithless to faithful. From lack of,
to great wisdom staying this way forever & ever.
I'll teach your heart and mind to jump; to cheer;
to thank God, "The Heavenly Father," for sending me,
Lord Jesus!
To know; to believe it's Christmas
24/7 everyday all the time.