It isn't like a movie replaying
Those hardly do
I simply remember the emotion
But this does
Like scenes I want to cast
It floats through my head in day and night
Causing me to seem to stare into the abyss
To space out at the oddest of time
It's an odd feeling
Like I'm attached, a part of someone else
Like my head should'nt take charge
It is irrational and illogical
Something I have never been
Maybe I understand just a little bit
It taking over, confusing me
Its overtaking, overwhelming me
But I should fight
My rational mind sees its end
Its inevitable and heartbreaking end
It's just like before
Tears for inevitable heartbreaks
Like all my love stories are impossible
And end in the same way
So I want to look forward
To a love that isn't any of the above
conflicting, impossible and heartbreaking
This is me while I'm still sensible
Who knows what's gonna happen
when tomorrow comes