Illusion of Confusion
It is as though someone has pulled the tightrope out from under my
Not so secure after all bare feet
Ever so
As so us two should never meet, you see
I've journeyed backwards for miles on the
Sidewinding roads of my
Memory, of my mind
To see if I could possibly find
Exactly where it was I steered off the the right
When I should've gone left
Now I'm left
To moan and groan all alone
To you I've always shown my
Dire desperation and deepest dedication to the cause
All my expectations, complications, accusations
Exactly where should I begin?
All my obligations, limitations, and revelations
In the end I still can't win
This battle of life- a strife
I remember once you called me your wife
You simply twisted the knife
Now as for my new introduction to seduction
It may end in destruction
Yet the sultry sensation of the tantalizing temptation
Enclaps my body with such elation
I pray to God for my salvation
So in conclusion to this illusion of confusion
I've fallen from grace
My life's a disgrace
That nothing and no one can ever erase