I'M a Old Woman
Age is just a number
True, this axiom proves
Age, despite our thoughts
When we were so young
Is just that, a number…
It doesn’t make us ancient
It doesn’t make us pointless
It doesn’t make us redundant
Or reflect the silence of shadows
Falling over the ones past forty
Age is just a number, according to our birthday
It means we’ve passed the tests, the trials
That come to those who have lived and tried
Those who have given this life their best efforts
And know the meaning of a past… a past
That holds the attempts of a heart who has lived
Through sadness and pain, through fears and tears
Through the years that make us experienced in living
And – experienced in giving back to those who know
We are older now, but so much wiser and surer.
In our youth, we don’t understand
What it means to have lived a life
Seen the dawning of many more suns
Than the ones who are still holding onto
The belief that they’ll never see their way
Past the prime where they believe
That life is the very best, the charmed, the elite
What they fail to see, until they’ve lived
Through the years, past the tears and fears
Into the hopes and dreams of the tomorrow…
Is that life becomes better, more precious
More cherished and respected, more valuable
As the years peck away at the ego, the pride…
Destroying the shadows that struggle inside
There comes a calm, a peace, an abiding faith
The humble assurance that His love, His grace
His ways… are the only answers to our prayers
The only way to find true life, a life of happiness
A life that abides in the way, the truth, the life…
The wonder of wonders – Jesus Christ!
As I grow older and older, my spirit grows closer
To the One who has taken me across this life
With the assurance of Him by my side, my guide
Past the wonders of youth, the years of truth
And finally, now – into the wisdom of a maturity
That only requires me to know that I know…
The One who holds my heart and soul – the ONE
Who holds my hand as – on and on I go
Toward the moment when the end brings me
To the only real beginning there is… with HIM
Through eternity, forever praising!
August 27, 2022