I'M Caught...
So my secrets I tell to barn
Swallows and hummingbirds /
Sweet nectar your existence I
Come to miss / these moments
We say goodbye our butterflies
Leave / off to cocoon back into
Caterpillars carry secrets from
My lips to yours / instead of orbs
About her neck / they’re black
Pearls around her forehead and
They blink sugar coated cups
Of burning desire to be free of
Their flesh / farewell tomorrow’s
Queen / yesterday’s princess I’ll
Bow to your feet and make
Love to your toes as they tip
My soul towards instant
Attraction / I beg Zeus for
Instances of subtraction that
Intimidate my dreams and haunt
These fingers / so in a poem I
Composed it / last night we finally
Kissed / and they’ve likened her
Lips to fresh mango slices dipped
In honey / juices on my chin drip
Funny valentine smiles where the
Sound of your voice sways wind
Chimes in cloud shapes / tattooed to
This man’s ribcage a conversation
With my tongue prays to pleasure
You on orchid petals and sunflower
Stalks / daffodil pollen sticks to my
Back / tulips sweat dew off my skin /
Nervous palms tuck hair behind my
Ears as my eyes swear by these
Lies / there is no angel sitting across
From me / if perfection does not exist
Then why does her smile race my
Pulse / of course / I’m caught…