I'M Coming Out and Am Proud of It
There are proud people “coming out!”
Yet, they have no idea what real life is about!
Many brag about a lifestyle that’s revealing.
Yet have lost God’s purpose and meaning!
I’m coming out for Jesus! I’ve nothing to hide!
I’ve asked him to take away my sin and pride!
Of my own accomplishments... I’ve nothing to boast!
But I’m proud of God the father, son and holy ghost!
Whatever pride we have… We’ve all sinned!
Jesus told us; “you must be born again!”
Nothing that I’ve done is worth “bragging of.”
Rather, I’ve done things that I’m ashamed of!
But God reached down to where I was standing!
And filled my life with his peace and understanding!
The more I have of Jesus, the less I need of me!
His power alone is what can truly set me free!
I’m coming out for Jesus! The redeemer of my soul!
I’m going to shout it! So the whole world may know!
I’m not ashamed of Jesus! I am NOT!
By his mercy… My sins have been blood bought!
For each step you take to God… He takes two!
Won’t you allow him to do his work through YOU?
A life of righteousness and holiness is what God is asking!
Come now! And receive HIS life!
It’s everlasting!
By Jim Pemberton