I'M Free
God, I've questioned you so often
On this journey we've been through...
You've proven to me ore and ore,
To just put my trust in you.
I hear your gentle whisper
Telling me so many things,
Oh the joy beyond belief
Just knowing you does bring.
You've told me that I'm free,
From condemnation here,
And that with you I walk in wisdom
And can take it anywhere.
To use all for your glory,
That you have blessed me with,
For it is not my own,
You have let me borrow it.
Would I love the souls,
You have placed upon my way?
Would I share your glory,
Each and every day?
Would I come to realize,
How real to me you are?
Not some silent spirit,
Somewhere among the stars.
You're right here in my heart,
You're in my husband's eyes,
You're everywhere I look,
You choose not to disguise.
Oh Lord, my soul is singing,
Your peace and love it holds,
I pray that everyone I meet
Takes one look at me and knows;
That mighty is my loving God,
Who wants good things for me,
And through His grace and Mercy,
My soul He has set free!