I'M Here
I’m here for you
You know I’m a man of my word
When you fall I’m here to pick you up in my arms
When you cry I’m here to wipe away your tears
You may have been loved but I will love you like no one does
We have made so many memories with each other
When you wait for me I want to stand from the crowd from every one else
Someone may have been your world but I want to be your galaxy
The second in your life but the first one to honestly say I love you
I was gone for a long time but now I’m back for good
I’m never leaving your side again no matter what
I want to promise you that if we never become one and we part our ways and
never see each other again I will be waiting for you in heaven since God sent
down his angel
Our memories will live on but we have only a few since I have left
I wish I could go back and fix things
You were my first love
I can honestly say that
There was a time when we stopped talking and went our ways
Loved others, yet I still thought of you, my loved for you never died
We talked from time to time, yet in my heart I knew we would talk someday
I think about what been each day
You and I as a couple, my feelings never diminished they only got stronger
I remember our conversations on the phone and our texts
Your sweet and caring voice that always made me smile
The way you looked at me
How we were one at a certain party
We have been so far apart yet each time we were together I feel as if your never
going to leave my side
I remember so many things about; the most important to me is not letting you go