I'M Home
Don’t cry over my vessel
For it no longer holds me
It was time for it to return to the Dust of the Earth
You’re not suppose to Grieve for me
You should be Rejoicing
I know it’s hard not to
I’ve been down that Road one to many times
I want you to Rejoice for me
Rejoice like you’ve never Rejoiced before
My soul has been set Free
I now have my Crown of Jewels
I’m sitting & worshipping at our Savior’s feet
I’m Home
Here in this Glorious place
I’m no longer old or brittle
I no longer have pain or sickness
I can breathe without difficulty
I can run and I can jump
I can sing and I can dance
I get to makeup lost time with Don Don and Bubby
As I walked through those Pearly Gates
I was meet by many
They welcomed me with open arms
Our sons, our parents my brothers and my sisters
It’s so Beautiful here
I long for the day you walk through those Gates
The day we get to walk down this Golden Road together
Hand in Hand, Side by Side once again
Please don’t dwell on things in which you can not change
Heaven is where I’m needed now
I’ll always be with you in some form
I’ll be in your Heart
I’ll be in a stray thought
In the whisper of the wind
Each time you look at our given daughter Amy
In our grandchildren Alyssa & Trent
Our nieces & our nephews
In the faces of my brothers & sisters I left behind
When the day comes for you to walk the same path
I’ll be the first one to Welcome you with open arms
You’ll also be greeted by our family & friends
Until then, I’ll be one of your Guiding hands
Always watching over you
Written for my Aunt Brenda, in Loving Memory of my late Uncle Rev. Don Thomas