I'M Just Me!
In life we all must go through something.
An what we endure determines who we are & will be.
I've made so many mistakes.
But, there are no mistakes if I learned & took heed.
Who am I? I've question this a million times!
Seeking the truth for my purpose...knowing I'm not worthless...like the sun I must shine!
Doubt can cause irrational & regrettable decisions.
Like driving in the rain & the dew can fog your vision.
Who am I?...Who am I?
I'm the individual that's going to make something out of nothing!
A individual that embraces challenge, while the others be running!
Who am I?...Who am I?
I'm a brother that understands: no don't mean no, it just mean not right now!
An in order to get the right thing, you have to do the right thing:
Because tomorrow starts now!
I love my people because in essence I love me!
An the 1st rule of loving me? Is loving those that look like me!
Full lips, a million shades, & coarse hair.
Black Kings & Queens: call us Africa because Kunta Kinte came from there!
Who am I?...Who am I?
I'm just me!