I'M Looking...
I'm looking and looking and what do I see
I see an amazing piece of art created by a loving Potter's hand,
who took the time to mold and shape this piece.
Others may see flaws and imperfections,
may not like the size, or the shape, or the color that He chose,
but He didn't create this masterpiece for them.
He knew before He began what He had instore for this piece.
He knew that the outside was nowhere near as important as what was going inside.
I look closer and am still able to see His fingerprints
where He'd lovingly crafted the curves of His creation,
the different characteristics that He put in this piece,
to set it apart from His other artwork.
And as I look I realize that I'm not looking at a piece of art but a mirror.
It's my reflection that I see.
So the imperfections that you see in yourself, don't critize, because those, although you may
not appreciate them, are the fingerprints left by the Potter's Hands.