I'M Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
I’m not ashamed of what Jesus has done for me!
He took away my sin, that I might be free!
I’m not ashamed of the love that he brings!
He’s brought to me true life!
He’s my everything!
I’m not ashamed of his sacrifice on the cross!
He picked me up, when I was utterly lost!
I’m not ashamed of his glorious good news!
Jesus brings the victory!
He’ll never lose!
I’m not ashamed to introduce him to YOU!
He can change and make
your life BRAND NEW!
I’m happy to know him as my Lord
and shining light!
His spirit is there to guide me,
each day and night!
I’m happy and thankful! Yes indeed!
Jesus has come, and met my every need!
I’m thrilled to know him! I expect him any day!
I want to be attentive to what he has to say!
I’m glad to know Jesus! He’s beautiful to me!
I’m happy that I’ll be with him, for eternity!