I'M Not Sorry I'M Bad
We are in love with these insane streets-
because it keeps us sane, replaces the pain,
The overwhelming pain, this burden-
you left for me to carry when you left me and mom in the rain
Alone to fend for ourselves or die-
in this treacherous place and mom
She was just too innocent to get this-
this trial to cope with at a early age
You didn't even to go to jail-
as if that would make this any better
Never wanted this responsibility-
and oh Savior how i was enraged
Even though mom left too to seek-
out life that could make living better
And stranded again I was-
with people who never knew to teach love
I hated you for that and even though-
you've made strides towards mending
This soul of a son you left-
I'm not sorry you left, I hate no more
For without it i'd be lost for sure
These streets that don't care to kill
But loved and hugged me rugged with chill
I'm glad you both did your mistakes to mold me
And I'm not sorry I'm bad, Let God scold me
Copyright May2007 J.R. Thomas