I'M Now His
My tears they have fallen for so many years
All my life it was just you who i loved
but im sorry to say
its no longer that way
You moved on before i did
i never thought that i could
but now i have
I met someone
and he is everything that you used to be plus so much more
He loves me
and that life me and you were to have
well none of that matters cause hun
my life is now with him
sometimes i still cry
and wish things would have worked with us
but then his face comes to my mind
and i realize i have the best thing in this world
and its different when i kiss him
because when his lips are on mine
i dont see myself kissin you
like i did with every other guy in my life
and when him and i are making love
Its him who i want to be making love to
I have moved on
and put mine and your past in the past
where its forever to stay
and has belonged for so long
I will always love you
and you will always be in my heart
but never will you and i again be together
we are forever over with
and i'm now in love with
the man i am gona spend my whole life with
I was to be your wife
but now i am to be his!