Love Poem: I'M So Independent
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Written by: Lucille Femine

I'M So Independent

You’re reading this as I write.
Straight out of
True Confessions.
It wasn’t long after you left
That I began to live for myself.
You say you knew that?
Oh, OK. I guess you could tell,
Being out there,
With true eyes and ears…
That clear, meatless perception
Oh, you say you always knew that.
After you left,
I was independent of worry
When you coughed,
When you slept late and
I dreaded opening the door.
When you smoked and I was trapped
In my failure to make you healthy.
Yes, I know you understand.
But didn’t you always complain
I was just too darned independent?
Of you, I think you meant.
Being lost can look like independence – 
The wandering off to visit
Chaos in one’s mind,
That treasure chest of no understandings.
Yes, I should have come to you,
My uncrowned guru.
I did, you know I did…often.
But when you were sick,
I had to be independent...
Of my sorrow.
Am I still independent, you ask?
Not when I see couples –
Young and old, while I’m
Only half what I was,
So dependent still…on you.
When they frown and ignore each other,
I want to scream at them:
“Say what you must!”
So here I sit, saying what I must.
Can you hear me?
Are you too independent?