I'M Sorry
I'm Sorry that I wasn't enough for you to be around
I'm sorry I wasn't important enough for you to put the drink down
I'm sorry that I always craved your love
I'm sorry that I was your son, and you wouldn't give me a hug
I'm sorry for crying in the corner while you and mum were fighting
Smashing plates and shouting, I'm sorry that 3 year old me was hiding
I'm sorry that I got in the way, I guess you didn't need me home
I'm sorry, that you and mum went drinking and decided to leave me alone
I'm sorry that I cried as a child and got in the way of your drinking time
I'm sorry that when I got took into care, I didn't pretend I was fine
I'm sorry that I only wanted you to take me to the park
I'm sorry that I always craved to be important inside of my dads heart
I'm sorry for needing food, I understand why you made me go without
Your alcohol addiction was more important, i'm sorry you didn't want me around
I'm sorry for not crying when you died when I was 14, but I didn't feel a loss
But I'm not sorry for finally finding myself in a world where I've mostly been lost