I'M Sorry I Killed You
I saw your body
laying purple and covered with makeup skill
it looked like you might jump awake
however, I'd never seen you so still.
We were just on the phone
I told you no chance
to break my heart
you took the ultimate decision
and ended your life
no future children, no future friends, family, or wife
you gave up everything
with me on your mind
to leave me feeling
like a murderer in a crime.
People tell me that it's not my fault
you know I don't believe them
I know you know I'm taking responsibility
because it's what I've always done
I've stuck by your side,
through drug attempts and dangerous flights
but I never gave up on you
I never shut out the lights.
The one time I did, You ended it all
so tell me, world,
how is this not my fault?
I remembered last week
when we were laughing over life
no one is laughing now
it's as silent as your body laid.