I'M the Phoenix
I'm The Phoenix
* * *
Perhaps I'm meant to carry
these burdens alone;
to struggle to a new level
of achievement
only to find it's all been an illusion;
to have my load
come crashing in around me,
only to have it lifted again.
If that’s so let it be.
For I only lose to those who
not enjoy my labor,
perhaps I'm the Phoenix
that's meant to have many love’s
within me as this world go
though it’s cycles as
I grow more common then
to self-destruct with
flames of slow desires and excess,
if this is true so be it.
For then how I can still lose
when I fail to rise again,
when I'm meant to have you
put before me to gaze and crave upon and to share
even but for a fraction before having you wrenched
away without even a smile
when I reach out touching you?
If that's truth so be it. for I only lose when
I fail trying to stretch out for you
at the end of my life!
Steven L. Siegel
December 6, 2009