Imagine you live in a daily environment
where and when everything you like
is already yours if you simply ask for this whatever with gratitude,
and is more frustratingly ungraspable if you cannot acquire sufficient gratitude to ask.
And, it doesn’t even matter whom you ask.
So you need not be troubled by complexities,
historically epic narratives,
about who owns what,
and who does not,
because everyone you meet knows it is their vocation,
it is among their reasons for being,
to give you whatever you want,
whenever you want it with sufficient gratitude.
How might you respond to such power and riches,
to both give and to receive
such fertile perfection potential?
How might we cooperatively rule our fertile rich black soils
and sparkling clear clean rivers,
and smile back at our mutually-held blue sky?
And yet, these powers are not yet polypathically magical.
You do not have powers to be someone else.
You cannot look at a perfectly beautiful body
and gratefully claim it as your own.
You do have the power to speak and listen with each of those perfectly beautiful bodies
and/or minds
about how and why and when and where you treasure them,
value them,
and would become a mind and/or body exactly like theirs,
an identical twin.
You do have the power to ask them, with gratitude,
to help you see and hear and smell and taste their beauty,
but not to become their beauty for them.
Becoming health and beauty powers with others
grateful for our most intimate mutually grateful availability,
cooperatively trusting accessibility,
because your powers of acquisition
are constrained only by this magic
of mutual gratitude.
Imagine, as you mature in LeftBrain dominance,
the magic of mutual gratitude
and its more paranoid secretive absence,
when you were a child
was simply Left/Right deep learning chemistry.
Imagine how you might have heard,
You can be anything you sufficiently desire to become
as not so much,
You can have whichever magical powers of acquisition you can imagine,
but more like a child,
We are continually becoming whom and what we wish for
within an ecology of mutually trusting chemistry
we call regard, and sometimes wonder, and even awe,
and we are discontinuously becoming whom and what we do not wish for
within a climate of paranoid
overly acquisitive and competitive
LeftBrain dominant pathology;
this lack of RightBrain outflowing,
self-as-also-other regenerating gratitude.
Imagine you live where and when
all you can take in is ours to give
each grateful trusting other.
What happens in your imaginative chemistries
when WinLose games of Keep Away
revolt into WinWin games of Give Away,
but only when productive for
and consumptive of
co-empathic gratitude?