Imagine Pain: Matthew 7vs12
I used to be a poet…
A god among man became I
Until one day I met a maiden fair.
She was as lovely as a dream of heaven;
Hell on earth to punish my profanity.
More than a gift sent from heaven
Was she, but heaven;
Thought I:
For my sanity ceased to be
At her site.
Her smile told a story;
A story scary but worth listening to.
Each time and again I felt her teeth
Peeling away my flesh,
One bite at a time.
I flirted with the devil ignorant to
The repacussions of my little stunts.
In no time I was held by the neck—
Jaws of death;
The certificate ‘my Angelina’ signed.
I was never taught and I never knew
What it was, the golden rule:
Do so to others as you
Want them to do likewise to you;
Until I took a sip from her bottle in awe.
The hearts I broke prior,
As if by ether, transmitted
Their pain to mine.
All around me was pain written
In blood a symbol of vengeance.
The pain of a heartbreak jerked me awake.
I paid reverence to my guardian Angel,
Who my fears made known in a dream!
And ever since then, before I break a heart,
I imagine the pain!