Imparishable Treasure
Treasure like the moon, so close i can see it, yet so far from my reach.
Treasures like you, always there close for reach maybe too close for my notice.
What treasures i have found, such treasures i will selfishly keep.
For i bared the lands of men, scraping for that one particular treasure,
that all life is worth & without it, purpose in life we cannot fathom.
Beautiful treasures truely i found yonder, of exquisite workmanship.
All finely cut from various pracious stones of vibrant hues.
Through time the treasures proved perishable and worthless,
they left me holding the wind in my bosom, as afore i had got them.
All despair and pain praising all life worthless.
All out and afar to yonder space, i gave chase to the winds
'till i was winded and outdone & in my firm grasp i unfurl the wind and
my gaze (bour) upon it, as pracious time wasted.
Then i met you, treasure like the moon, your voice called & i answered,
and right there i beheld your presence.
Your voice unfurling treasure, your eyes exuding love.
Then i caught hold of a nugget and now the winds i've chased made sense, i've longed & found
a nugget that fits me well................