Impossible To Forget
Mine imagination carries mine heart to thee.
Sweet remembrances of thee weigh heavily upon mine mind.
Tis with certainty I shall never forget thee, thine honey’d kisses
or arms of rapturous joy.
In dawn’s earliest hour mine heart over takes mine most honest thoughts
with the inescapable truth of the aching wound, that I shall never be adored by thee again.
I shall never again be thy soul thought, or occupy thy dreams in thy sweetest slumber.
Mine senses are seized with dreamy numbness, and mine every waking
hour filled with thoughts of thee.
For better devotion I should have attended thee, and sought thee even the more earnest.
Mine dearest love, thy pursuit should have been mine soul's purpose.
For thou art love the deepest yearning of mine heart.
Denied thy love, I forever am condemned to live as though I
were dead, fraught with sorrow all mine days