Love Poem: In a Carriage, Side by Side
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Written by: David Crandall

In a Carriage, Side by Side

We won't always be this poor.
Walk with me through the door.
One day, we two will ride
In a carriage, side by side.

I've known you since I was five,
Since the day you were alive.
You were fine and pretty then.
You'll be at one-hundred ten.

One day, treasures you will have.
You won't always work this hard.
We will make it hand in hand
On this seven-acre land.

Sometimes, hardship, life will bring.
Through life's journey, we will sing,
When together we're in tune,
In December and in June.

Now our life was lived complete,
My dear Mary MacFleet.
Yesterday, we both died.
Now, an old man and woman ride...
In a carriage, side by side,
In a carriage, side by side.