In a Distant Dream
In a place faraway, your eyes hold a bejeweled, luminous sky,
Each a sphere divine in which stars are birthed and swim.
Envied are these heavenly dwellers for their place on high,
Privileged are they, privy to your every fancy and whim.
In a land beyond, your laughter peals honeyed through air
Palsied by melancholy words and stillborn dreams,
Trills a cadence that soars ever higher like a diva’s dare,
With each seraphic note, inspires ballads in endless reams.
In a world apart, your smile curls lips with a sinuous grace
Nary a painter’s palette nor sculptor’s chisel can capture,
Lines flow eternal to make every calloused heart race,
Kindle threadbare minds with untold shades of rapture.
In a distant dream, your hand sprinkles a fine dust of bliss,
Thus is this city of paltry charm a blessed place anointed.
Oh how many eternities must I endure till our fateful tryst,
When my weary soul, at last, is by your beauty transported?