Love Poem: In a Dream
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Written by: Joe Dimino

In a Dream

I saw you walking toward me, 
in a dream; for only a dream would 
tenderly look at me, for only a dream hath 
maternal sympathy – your mind and heart
already forsaken, though a mother, your
leave taken – your spirit a fury
as Narcissus, if splattered his beloved 
image – 

Once beautiful, illness had distorted
your face, you blamed me, your blessed
newborn – all your misery directed
at me – henceforth, I was shaken from 
the bow of every nesting tree. left to cry,
scorned, and alone – 

To say I survived, is to know
I have just barely lived: for such 
loveless countenance had left me empty,
with personality a vacant ruin – in the 
depth of my depression, pleading
for answers, you once admitted, 
to your son, full-grown, that you
had done this to him.. – may our souls 
no turmoil eternally keep – and may
we awake together, someday, all 
forgiven the painful appearance 
of a bitter world, for its surface
was always coldly asleep....