In God's Presence
A life of Godliness-I must live by it,
it I'm to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Often I've missed out on God's presence.
Not realizing a truly
awesome experience.
Many times I've lived in defeat
and much despair.
At times wondering if God was still there.
I did feel his presence for just a short time.
But soon allowed temptation
to enter my mind.
When I endulged in
temptation's sinful act,
my relationship with Jesus
was soon "off track."
I felt the tug of the Holy Spirit so very near.
Speaking; "Run from your sin...for I am here!"
As I returned to Jesus-to him I held fast.
God's presence was no longer a thing of the past.
May my heart now be steadfast and true.
Help me Lord to always keep my eyes on you.
Help me to focus my attention on your holiness.
For only you can bring contentment
and happiness.
You are truly my best friend..
the shepherd of my soul.
May my life be pleasing to you...
no matter where I may go!
By Jim Pemberton