In Love- Our Story For Contest
In Love- Our story ( a sort of Sonnet)
That first day in the factory, your eye
had followed me as down the aisle I passed
still lingered moments after I'd gone by,
you vowed then that glance would not be your last.
Your girl's intelligence network gave chase
to find the whys and wherefores, who I be,
get answers and a name put to the face
returning with results by morning tea.
The first dates nothing sparked, no hearts ablaze
just questions, feelers, finding common ground,
our differences plain in many ways,
yet all it took was one bond to be found
So thus by circumstance and stars were formed
the elements that melded our love's dawn.
As time and youth faced off and called 'en garde'
anger and vicious words both took the field
our tempers raged, a truce was just too hard,
for neither would our stubborn ground we yield .
But from within that fierce intensity,
the furnace stoked by every spat and fight
also came passion tempered then set free
desire burned as cressets in our nights.
Our opportunities, though all too rare,
snatched moments, any time in any place,
as if the world had run and left us there
and gave our battered hearts some breathing space.
The light from our love's morning showed the fact
the truth that often opposites attract.
That first midnight cry from the newborn child,
your head fell back, relieved from hours of pain,
eyes closed briefly and then you looked and smiled
“ I'm never bloody doing that again”.
The polar opposites that since we met
both held us and repelled us, yin and yang,
now by this nascent soul, the future let
love tear them all asunder, left to hang.
The baby, girl, teenager, woman grew,
tended by us, fed food and word and song,
full fledged in mind and body, off she flew,
the two of us now left to get along.
Without her we'd have gone separate ways
new bonds now bind us both through our love's days
We sit, you knit, I frown and chew a pen
the crossword finished, turn another page,
adjacent chairs from six, in bed by ten,
routine crept in unnoticed with our age.
Wordless orders given, the curtains drawn,
leave mugs in sink, TV to standby mode,
abandoned, cat looks up at us, forlorn
then out the door it hurtles up the road.
For thirty years of love have come to this,
two tired bodies snuggle, conserve heat,
our silent breathing pauses for one kiss,
a gasp as my warm back receives cold feet
When two people know everything's alright
then let the sun go down on their love's night
1st February 2016
For contest 'Our year in love' by Olive Eloisa Guillermo