In Love With a Strange Woman
In love with a strange woman
Hope it won't make me inhuman
With a lustful glare
I can bare her bountiful bare
Quickened like a tornado
Lucifer's hell am bound
But my desire, a free gift from heaven
My carnality, whence do you come
Focus, focus I yelled to myself
Pleasure, pleasure myself yelled to me
In the midst of this talidomai
Am sinking, quickly like in a quicksand
Is this how am gonna end
Before having a taste
of this gracious gale
Oh sweet heaven, taking me down to hell
If this is hell, how will heaven be
My loins loose like a running tap
My mind loose like running crab
Zigzag, with streams of emotions
For my strange woman, whom I love
Love or lust which should I say
So confused like the rivers
Need a Savior to calm my mind like the sea
Yeah, my sweet poetry to the rescue
Hlallelujah, am sane again