In Love With Words - I'Lyezette
In love with words- I'lyezette
Have always loved words,
that take over my emotions,
The muse flies swift as birds,
as pen sets ink in motion,
Deeper in thoughts I drown,
when no words come to my rescue,
Failure then paints frown,
awaits a reecho to pursue,
Masterfully crafted and chiseled,
gleeful words rock in phloem,
On soup's first page I sizzled,
as an eloquently structured poem !
Written August 1st, 2015
On my earlier poem,
For contest by FJ Thomas
Poem written last year-
For the love of words
Deep in love with words,
I keep digging through the day,
Although words fail me,
Still can't help reverberate,
I am a structured poem !
Tanka- 5/7/5/7/7
Written September 29th, 2014
For contest 'For the love of words' by Pendleton Arkwright