In Love With You
When I look into your eyes,
It takes me deep into your heart.
In the warmth of your love,
A nest where I find gladness,
Happiness flowing like a river,
With these tears of joy flowing,
For I am madly in love with you
Your beauty mesmerizes me,
Your voice feels like heaven,
With your touch I feel the shivers,
Running down my spine,
While your eyes brightens my face,
It’s the way you walk and talk,
That makes me madly in love with you.
Every morning of every single day,
As the night falls like a moon light,
You are the light that shines bright,
You are the stars that glitters at night,
You are like a rainbow with its beauty,
Different colors with one purpose,
The more reasons I am madly in love.
In your heart I see the writings in bold,
Written in colors of gold shinning beauty,
As your eyes sparkle bright in glitter,
With the colors of love shining bright,
For me to read the signs of your love,
Inscribed with colors so beautiful,
That makes me madly in love with you
This moment in time your love shines,
Bringing moments so magical and true,
In my heart your love grows in beauty,
Blooming like roses so beautiful to ignore,
Like an open book your love is open for me,
Written in bold for me to see and admire.
That makes me madly in love with you.