Love Poem: In Loving Memory, Lois Brock
Amber Pearson Avatar
Written by: Amber Pearson

In Loving Memory, Lois Brock

Breathe steady now, your home at last,
No restrictions, your free to dance,
We’ll toast to you and all the years,
The struggle, the laugher, the fights and tears,
Hold back no more your restless soul,
Your young, you’re free, you’re good to go.
Memories are many, and all are a blast,
Like aisle nine, and repetitions like that,
Our family charms and silly mistakes,
Like walking into walls and showing up late,
Tripping over feet and choking on nothing,
Making a whole lot of nothing into a really big something,
The loves and the snuggles, the hugs and the kisses,
The gatherings and happy, the loss and the misses.
We’ll miss you a lot as our lives start back up,
We’ll remember our stories, and that’ll be enough,
Because your still here beside us, in heart and in more,
In pictures, in giggles, in stories galore,
Loves to the gramma, the mother, the friend,
As her smile touches all, her final the end.