In My Eyes
The love inside
Is so immense.
So much love
It makes no sense.
You're amazing
In my eyes.
So perfectly
The perfect guy.
Every moment
Without you.
In my view.
As I've said
A million times.
We're meant to be
In my eyes.
'Cause without you
I could not live.
Without the love
That you give.
I still love you.
After all
That we've been through.
No matter what
Comes our way.
My love for you
Is here to stay.
I'm prepared
To live this life.
With only you
In my eyes.
So never say
You'll leave again.
I'll never cut
Or scar my skin.
And tears won't fall
I'll never cry.
If I have you
By my side.
©2009 ~FR34K0N4L345H33