Love Poem: In My Home
Karen Deeks Avatar
Written by: Karen Deeks

In My Home

In my home
There is a child bursting with potential
Who's mind lays softly on a pretty face
Plays games whilst conversing with friends
Who's elegant eyes exude excellent taste

In my home
Their is a cat mostly sleeping
Who bothers for food once a day
Who slips off the armchair whilst dreaming
Distant are the claws which once played

In my home
Their sighs a dog with just three legs
In his basket he dreams of the chase
Whilst awake he hobbles, looks on adoring
As gentleness enriches his face

In my home
Are many odd fractions
Which have gently learnt how to mould
And we all stay together for a reason
Only leaving when we are too old

(in memory of Maisy my 18 yr old tabby december 2012 and Tyson my most noble decent staff cross Jan 21st 2012) miss you both terribly....