In My Murky Room
My heart lay in a murky room
Unseen and unheeded
Motionless and bleeding
Yearning for when it shall meet
Its twin,
In the guise of a flame!
Then, while it slumbered
It was whispered of love
And it started beating ecstatically
Knowing that somehow
The curtains hiding it
Will get drawn,
And its windows will be opened
Allowing scattered dandelions
To fly in
And to surround it
While singing songs in ode
To the powerful angels
While it shall burn
In its own twin flame!
But it expected not to meet
With disgust and disdain
It expected not to be spat on
Or to thrown in thrash
It expected not
That love,
As it has dreamt of it,
Would hate it
As if it were an infectious disease!
It has now retreated back
To its own murky room,
With the lights switched off
And the curtains well drawn
If love be repulsive
Then better it is
To avoid it!
It minds not its loneliness
As it knows
That it shall create memories
In the guise of dark and brooding
Poems that it shall leave here
When the skies shall deem it
That it be its time
To ascend towards them!
Written on 21st Dec 2020