In Our Adversity God Is There
In Our Adversity...
HE Is There!
There are circumstances in life...
I wish I could trade!
I can think of both good and bad
decisions I have made.
This is a most unfortunate situation
I find myself in.
Is causing a lot of grief and
pain deep withini...
The guilt I feel I can't
"begin to explain."
To be honest with you...
It's brought me shame.
Where Lord... did I get
"so many things wrong?"
There's many things in my
life that don't belong!
I ask you Jesus to take total
and complete control...
I don't know who else to turn to...
or where else to go.
Please come & pick up the broken
pieces that surround me.
So much of my life was lost,
but now you've found me!
In your goodness and love...
my life is now content.
From my wrong and sin...
I now humbly repent!
I thank you Jesus for
turning my life around.
YOU are the very best friend
I have ever found!
By Jim Pemberton