In Search
In search the bestowed become...
From front lines...infiltrate disguise...
though weary...they are nurtured...
from a higher...they yet not realise...
A distant fire...burning bright...
...Deep raw passion takes to flight...
We walk with wisdom,
Wither the storm...
With tolerance and love,
We are restored...
To battle through another day...
We delve in the timeless...
Our memories gave...
With voice of wisdom...
Travelled round the sun...
We understand...
The bestowed...
We have become...
Lead us not into temptation...
...We are the aware...
...Few lines impress...
...Few lines declare...
...With fractured minds...
...Judgement deepens...
...Historical book myth or legend...
...We search and search for our own light...
...not historical feature, controversial
one man plight...
...We now walk with wisdom...
...with love we restore...
...not historical proclamation...
...historical remorse...
We achieve with love sanctioned...
...The gift of love...all writers adore...
...Those gone before knew...
inside what is best...
...Without judgement...
...with love we are blessed...
...Rewritten no type O...
...New beginnings addressed...
...For with love...there is no defeat...
All love found in the arms of retreat...