Love Poem: In the Baptism, For Kim
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Written by: David Smalling

In the Baptism, For Kim

the prayer:
Quickened once, this seed uncrucified reclaims
Against the dessication of faith in my drought
And root dry tortures of decomposing doubt,
Against it all, a sudden impulse in the kernel flames
Thanks to my Divine Intervener, sweet love undying
Shattered falls the broken web to free my wings
The lung tarring vice, defeated, can no more clings
I joy in this, from doom and death returning
Sprout me again, breathe in me new a new day fresh
Water me with prayers of thanksgiving still, sun
Me fruit joy and grain, bless me where my Jordans run;
Unyielding Christ, out of thy grace, I rise to love afresh.
                           the testimony:
And I through travail of night to birth again
Carried you slumberless into faith of day
And I torn and shredded by sin's foul pain
From prayer to prayer wept against decay
Those years, distant, dark, void and cold
Those fears when death yawned wide iron jaws
And you my lamb staggered from the fold
O how I raged at life, and veiled despotic laws
That broke us into splinters with our dreams
I did not see today to sing again, doubts tears
Blinded me, heaven seemed silent to my screams
But today, you give me back my hope of years.
And I was not there to hold your hand, absent
From the cuddling moment my love had planned
And yet, devised by faith, I stood full present
For I am the jar of clay in the Master's kind hand
And you my child suffered it all, to bring me
Back from a superficial walk with love, and we
O let us rinse the skies with praise, let us
Walk, nobler creatures called from a common dust.
Give me space to seal a kiss upon an embrace
To pour my joy before your pleasant face
Give me space to thunder with belief and stay
Exiled in ignorance, and clothed in wisdom when I pray.